Letter to Ikea

Open letter from louis to Ikea
“From Us.”

Tuesday 29 November 2016,

Hello Ikea Peterborough.

This year, you have earned GOOD % of the annual bonus, congratulations on a great success. Certainly many satisfied customers enjoying the pleasant shopping .

The vast majority of employees working in the warehouse is employed by the agency.
Unfortunately for us, and maybe luck ...
we do not have to enjoy the annual premium that with you we have developed, we do not receive Christmas gifts, not to mention the lower prices at the cafeteria, or the discount shopping at IKEA.

It is a small part of how we are treated fairly.

But we only work by the agency. We enjoy things like a free bottle for water or new vending machines for coffee. We welcome any change that occurs in the warehouse.
We like exchange free weekend with another day off a week, our family to understand.
Or letting us home early because there is no work for us, we do not have to yet eat too much.
I would like to just say that we are human beings, the same as IKEA People, working hard and I think we deserve respect.

Therefore, the approaching Christmas Time Christmas wish all colleagues, peace, love and precious time with your family.

Best wishes

Author: louis

Letter to Ikea. Letter 1.

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